Tag: Sins
Sermon: Forgiveness of Sins
Read More: Sermon: Forgiveness of Sins“Forgiveness of Sins” Message April 2, 2017 Fifth Sunday in Lent Rev. Barbara Phifer Sermon Series: “Creed” This Sermon series is based on the Apostles’ Creed; it studies what we believe as Christians and how we live based on these beliefs.
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Sermon: “Everything Happens for a Reason”
“Everything Happens for a Reason” Message for June 3, 2018 Second Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Barbara J. Phifer, pastor This is the first sermon in our series, “Who Said That?,” where we’ll be exploring common phrases that the Bible never said.
Sermon: “We Remember”
“We Remember” Message for May 27, 2018 First Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Barbara J. Phifer, pasotr
Sermon: “Celebrate Creation!”
“Celebrate Creation!” Message for May 20, 2018 Pentecost Rev. Barbara J. Phifer, Pastor
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