
Adult Classes, Children & Youth, Fellowship Groups

Kids Corner

Sunday School @ 9am

Exciting News! Sunday School has recently moved to it’s new location! Join in the fun every Sunday as we explore some of the miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry.

Can’t wait to see you!

Youth Group

Sundays @ 11:15am

Calling all 6th-12th graders! Meet in Ms Loretta’s office for food, fun and fellowship as we talk about Jesus!

February Youth Group Dates:

  • February 9th
  • February 16th

Adult Classes

Adult Bible Study

Looking to dig deeper into the bible and your faith? Join an Adult Bible Study today and wrestle with the questions of faith in community!

On-going Adult Bible Studies:

  • Sunday 9am: The Forum
    (Leader: Dave Shuey)
  • Sunday 9am: Conversations with the Bible
    (Leader: Steve Metzner & Keith Morgan)

Adult Classes

Short Term Classes

Short Term Classes are classes which typically run for a few weeks about a particular book or topic, all-church Advent and Lent Studies, etc.

Upcoming Classes: